
Flexbox: Responsive Cat Gallery

Flexbox is a powerful CSS layout model that makes designing flexible and responsive layouts a breeze. Today, we'll explore how to use Flexbox to create an adorable and responsive cat image gallery. Let's dive in!

First, we'll set up our main container for the gallery:

Here's what each property does:

Styling Individual Image Containers

Next, we'll style each image container:

The flex property is a shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis:

max-width: 300px ensures our images don't become too large on wider screens.

Image Styling

For the images themselves:

Making It Responsive

To make our gallery responsive, we'll use a media query:

This adjusts our layout for screens smaller than 600px:

The Result

With this Flexbox setup, we've created a responsive image gallery that:

  1. Displays multiple images in a row on larger screens

  2. Automatically wraps images to new rows as needed

  3. Adjusts to a single-column layout on mobile devices

  4. Maintains consistent image sizes and spacing

This Flexbox approach creates a fluid, responsive layout that works well across different screen sizes, ensuring your cat gallery looks purr-fect on any device! Happy coding!